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Woman smiles on a chair while holding her phone in front of a blue clapboard house
Health Care

Taking care of our province means taking care of our people.

We believe that everyone has the right to access health care. From life-saving medications to practices that improve patient comfort and quality of life, we make it our mission to ensure that everyone – including the most vulnerable people of this province – is well taken care of.

Person’s feet in cozy lounge socks, crossed on a bed

Medical Care Plan (MCP)

The Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Care Plan (MCP) is a comprehensive plan of medical care insurance designed to cover the cost of physician services for residents of the province. Visit the website to learn more.

Child running on a grassy field in French’s Cove, Newfoundland and Labrador

Health Promotion and Wellness

We are continuing our commitment to improve the health and wellness of the people of this province. Our wellness priorities include healthy eating, physical activity, mental health promotion, tobacco control, child and youth development, and environmental health. Learn how we're taking steps towards our Wellness Priorities and Plans.

Rocky Harbour

Regional Health Service

We have publicly funded health and community services delivered across the province. This includes community-based services, acute care, long-term care, and tertiary care administered by regional health authorities and their partners.

Primary health care is your first point of contact with the health care system. New and innovative technologies allow counsellors, nurse practitioners, family doctors, occupational therapists, pharmacists, and social workers to connect with individuals and families in communities across our province.

Woman sitting atop a rock in the secluded Tablelands at Gros Morne National Park

Mental Health Services

Our Mental Health and Addictions Division works in partnership with regional health authorities, community groups, advisory councils, individuals with lived experience, and other stakeholders. Together, they’ve created a fabric and framework to lend support and aid to those experiencing mental health and substance use concerns. We offer counselling options, emergency services, helplines, and treatment centres, to name a few.

'Bridge the gapp' is an online resource designed to support mental wellness.

Newfoundland and Labrador Aims to ‘Bridge the gapp’ in mental health services

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Promoting a Healthier Newfoundland and Labrador

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